Ronnie Fox discusses United Airlines' Covid-19 vaccination policy, September 2021Ronnie Fox discusses working from home vs going into the office, August 2021Will workers continue to work from home or will they be commuting to their workplace? Hear the views of Ronnie Fox, May 2021Ronnie Fox discusses the UK Supreme Court decison to uphold equal pay claims of Asda’s retail employees, March 2021Ronnie Fox speaks on TalkRADIO about how Uber drivers are impacted by the recent Supreme Court decision, March 2021Ronnie Fox discusses the Uber decision, March 2021Ronnie Fox on home working and whether it will become the 'norm', February 2021Ronnie Fox on employment rights concerning the Coronavirus, March 2020Appearance and discrimination law in the workplace, February 2020Hermes and GMB gig economy deal, February 2019Abusive job interviews, February 2019The employment law implications of expressing political opinions on Twitter, December 2018Monitoring staff – and the right to privacy, August 2018The right to disconnect when on holiday, August 2018Love at Work, May 201891% gender pay gap in financial services at the top, May 2018 Records show fewer days off for sickness, March 2017Eva Carneiro vs Chelsea FC Employment Tribunal, January 2016Rewarding staff for not taking sick leave, February 2015Zero hours contracts, April 2014Parental leave, November 2013 Whistle-blowing, November 2013Whistle-blowing, October 2013Zero hours contracts, August 2013Recent changes to employment law, July 2013 Ronnie Fox responds to Matthew Hancock, July 2013Redundancy consultancy period, March 2012Bank Bonuses, January 2012Changes in Employment Law, November 2011Executive pay, November 2011 Can you dismiss under-performing teachers? October 2011Unfair dismissal, May 2011Employment tribunals, January 2011Bankers bonuses debate, November 2010The fireman's strike, November 2010Value in paying bonuses? February 2010Race discrimination in schools - Part One, December 2009Race discrimination in schools - Part Two, December 2009The bonus culture debate continues (BBC World Service), October 2009The bonus culture debate continues (LBC), October 2009The bonus culture debate continues (BBC Radio 4), October 2009