Firm described as “Savvy and calm in the way they work, they are up there with the very best partnership…
Why disputes at private equity funds are more likely in a post-coronavirus world
Catriona Watt and Eleanor Diamond have written for Private Equity News, explaining how the unstable and worsening financial and economic…
City Lawyers May Struggle to Come to Terms with Retirement – Ronnie Fox quoted in The Times
Fox & Partners’ founder Ronnie Fox is quoted in today’s Times (10 September 2020) in an article about the psychological…
Considerations for Departing Executives
Catriona Watt writes for Private Equity International on the considerations for executives thinking of leaving their firm. You can read…
Ronnie Fox comments in The Times on the push to return to the office
Ronnie Fox is quoted in The Times as Government ministers encourage workers to return to the office. You can read…
Why Service Agreements Matter in the COVID-19 Era
Dean Fuller writes for Personnel Today on the importance of service agreements in a turbulant economic climate. You can read…
Watch the video: Partner Management Challenges in the New Era
Fox & Partners recently hosted a webinar discussion on “Partner Leadership Challenges In Professional Services Firms In The Covid Era”…
How to Retire
Ronnie Fox talks to the Law Society Gazette about retiring from a law firm partnership and how to plan your…
Swallow the frog: Partner leadership challenges in professional services firms in the Covid era
Join Fox’s breakfast briefing on Wed 29 July 9:00am BST for a panel discussion with former Allen & Overy managing…
Partnership to Piano
Ronnie Fox writes for Legal Futures about making the decision to retire and the transition from partnership to learning to…