You may be clear that you have been subjected to discrimination in the workplace, or you may be having issues at work which you have not considered could be related to a protected characteristic. Whatever workplace issue you might be experiencing, our expert lawyers will take time to understand the facts and your objectives, and are committed to providing practical advice on your situation to help you to reach a resolution. We regularly advise employees on all forms of discrimination, together with any other claims they may have.
Under the Equality Act 2010, employees and workers are protected against discrimination on the grounds of:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race discrimination (which covers ethnic or national origin, nationality and colour)
- religion or belief
- sex
- sexual orientation
Discrimination can be classified as direct or indirect. Discrimination may take the form of harassment or victimization.
As well as acting for employees, we also act for employers. This means we know how both sides respond to various tactics, making us well placed to develop a strategy with you to achieve your objectives, whether that be to bring a claim, to secure compensation, to negotiate your exit or to stay with the employer and bring about a change to prevent others being treated in the same way.
Often an allegation of discrimination will be accompanied by other claims such as a claim for unfair dismissal or equal pay. We advise clients on the entirety of their legal and non-legal issues in the workplace and develop strategies to provide a global resolution. We understand the stress which workplace issues place on employees and know that, in many cases, an Employment Tribunal claim is not the answer. Employers are sensitive to allegations of discrimination and we know how to bring about swift settlement. However, if bringing a claim is the best way to help you, our lawyers have a wealth of experience representing employees in Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal.
Discrimination against employees and partners can occur in any type of workplace; senior executives, hedge fund or private equity partners and partners in professional practices are not immune. We are very familiar with these sectors and the personalities involved enabling us to provide targeted, effective advice.
How Fox & Partners can help…
- advise on your employer’s obligations to you
- draft grievances, requests for flexible working or reasonable adjustments
- explain claims you may have
- represent you in any internal process
- represent you at an Employment Tribunal
- negotiate with your employer on your behalf to resolve any dispute.
Please call us on 020 7618 2400