If you cannot work by reason of ill health you need to know your rights and your employer’s obligations during any period of absence and when you are considering returning to work. It may be that you are protected under the Equality Act 2010 because you have a disability. You may have contractual rights under your employment contract, including to sick pay or a permanent health insurance benefit. You may want us to help liaise with your employer through any absence management process.

We help employees through a period of absence and when they are contemplating a return to work. We advise on disputes with your employer or their plans to dismiss for capability resulting from ill health. At Fox & Partners we take time to understand your objectives and work with you to develop a strategy to achieve that objective.

Acting for both employers and employees we are well placed to advise employees on tactics for resolving any issues. We understand the obligations and challenges faced by employers so we can help you to respond in the most advantageous way.

If you have no option but to bring a claim in the Employment Tribunal, our lawyers are experienced in all areas of tribunal litigation and will discuss your options and objectives, exploring alterative ways of resolving disputes if appropriate at the outset and as litigation progresses.

How Fox & Partners can help…

  • advise you on your options in relation to your employment if you become ill
  • Explain permanent health insurance and your rights and obligations
  • consider if you are protected from unlawful disability discrimination
  • help you prepare correspondence to send to your employer
  • set out your options and remedies if you have been discriminated against
  • raise a tribunal claim on your behalf, if that is the appropriate.

Please call us on 020 7618 2400